Tidepool 101 for Adults

Tidepool 101 for Adults

Date: Wednesday, March 26
Time: 1:00 – 3:00 PM
Location: Feiro Marine Life Center, Port Angeles
Cost: $20 Members, $25 Non-members
Register Here

Join us for the launch of Tidepool 101, a class designed to help you identify the fascinating tidepool animals and plants along the Olympic Coast. Whether you’re new to the Olympic Peninsula or looking to deepen your knowledge of local marine life, this course is perfect for you!

Learn about the extreme conditions faced by intertidal zone creatures and discover the incredible adaptations that allow them to survive amidst the crashing waves. This two-hour, in-person course combines classroom lecture with hands-on engagement with the animals in Feiro’s exhibits. You’ll also receive useful tips and resources to help plan your next tidepooling adventure!

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